Proposition: violin is much more important
I heard someone saying that “I can only play violin. After all, what else can I do?” I feel shocked. The talent to play violin is really a lot already.
When they say all these things they refer to the fact that they cannot give satisfactory academic results. But after all what is the use of these results in the future? They are useless outside school. If one day you lost your job, a violinist may still find a vacancy in a pub or restaurant, or even in an orchestra. But what is the use of the results? Even you want to teach, you have to acquire certain techniques besides your understanding of the problems.
After all, few can play violin, but all can do math questions. So it is reasonable to be proud of yourself when you can play the violin well, but you earn much less respect when you solve a math problem.
So violinists, you should be proud of yourself.
There is no need for you to belittle acamemic achievements. Anyway, we live in this system of education, and in order to survive, we have to sacrifice some of our personal happiness. Wish you happy.
如果仅以物以稀为贵为标准,就新加坡而言,有多少人学习像你这么好?有多少人会拉小提琴? 我想前者不会多于后者吧?
至于拉琴和do maths questions那个对于career更重要这个问题,答案还是很明显。现在是放弃学业从事艺术的人多,还是放弃艺术专心读书的人多?你用现实中的工作来证明会拉琴更好,可惜,现实告诉你,你错了。
I agree with lu xin's first sentence.
To start learning an instrument is not difficult, but to perservere in the learning of it truly requires a lot of effort.
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