Previously I want to write an essay about GP, but saw some people got the same view as me, and he got a lot of time to wrtie such a long essay, and english not bad, so just quote his passage. Here I acknowledge his contribution to this blog.
something about GP(同意的顶一下)
this post is only for GP essay writing not comprehension.
after learning GP for over half a year i eventually found how to write GP essays then i have realised that GP is a completely subject.
first of all,you are not supposed to show your personal views in the essay even the question is what is your opnion.if you have some brilliant ideas or concepts you are not recommended to write i what what what.instead you should use professor bla bla bla say,confusion say or things like that because their words are more powerful and reliable. then how can you get all this? you just created on your own. however dun be too ridiculous like professor long sau sage once said bla bla bla....just memorize some famous experts in certain areas and then you can create their speech on your own. if you really can't recall any of them then just give a common name such as professor James from university of cambridge,or professor Tan from NUS, professor li from tsing hua univeristy.for data,you can also create on your own such as according to the latest information from Ministry Of health and so on.that will make you essay look more professional but what is the point doing so?why can't we just express our own views instead of copying from others?
secondly,GP has typical format,for any question,you can write an essay of the same format.first you bluff something about the question,this is called introduction.for example if the question is many people say X(noun) is very Y(adj usually is very general).do you agree.then the introduction can be something like this:X has become the hottest issue since what what because what what.its influence is so large that bla bla.therefore people always say x is very Y.however to learn this clearly we must know what is Y. Y means what what what(watch out!you must make your defination very profound,dun use do,go and simple should replace "how people view school" to "in what way educational institutions are perceived by the general public.of course it is a bit exaggerate.anyway it is something like that).To say X is very Y entails that what what what. though many people believe in this i dun think X should be like this.
after introduction you give 3 positivie points and one counter arguments(the number can vary a bit).for each points you must first state the points then give examples and evaluate the points and link back to the i mentioned before you must remember that your evaluation and points must look very powerful.(lol,i think the people in the cultural revolution can write fantastic essay because they can give powerful quotations such as Chairman Mao once said bla bla).you must give one counter argument no matter what the question is,obviously after the counter arguments you will justify your stand by saying that the positive views are more positive.If the question is "eating is one of the most important and basic abilities that people possessed".comment"this is obvious right.also you must give some nonsense counter argument.i will write: " Although eating is proved to be extremely important for the survival of human beings, it is argued that it is not needed for a people to survive. people can live heathily without eating by injecting salted water and glucose solution. Professor of genetic engineering yuan long pin predicted that in 2100 human beings will no longer eat food like us,instead they will inject nutrition solutions and 10ml of such nutrition solution can provide energy that can last 10 days so in the future people dun need to eat.therefore eating is not very important to people.however scientific researches show that eating is not only just for surviving but also for we see that people try their best to make food delicious so that we can enjoy the taste. even in the future people can survive without eating eating will not be obsolete,instead it will be far more important than now because people will focuse on the taste and enjoying delicious dishes to release pressure.therefore eating is unlikely to diminish in the world and it further shows that eating is very important to peole.
at last you just summarize the points and give some future predictions such as in no more than 25 years eating will be more popular than now,government will also launch some compaigns(forgot the spelling) to promote eating.
if you can do the points above at least you can get a c,or if your language is ok your points are not very incredible a B is garanteed. you can write all of that into a pseudocode like the comuting program.
(1)introduction and your stuand =yes or no;
//counter argument;
write out points[counter] supports your stands;
evaluate the points[counter];
write two examples for your points[counter];
//make sure the points looks powerful
display the points[counter];
display trends;
i dun think it DOES make any sense. students are deprived of creativity writing skills.of course there will be some talents who can still write creatively but most students will fall to just follow the format blindly to gain good marks. also people will gain the image that their own words are not reliable so that they will tend to lose the confidence in presenting their own ideas.also people cannot get any good ideas but know how to follow the pattern will also get good result.this is very unfair just like the nonsense that argued for eating is not important.i can't say that that paragraph will gain a high score but at least from the aspect of GP writing.i am sure everyone who is not completely blur will find that i am you see rubbish like that will not fail.further more the education system and meritocracy practises make students score oriented which greatly resticts their abilities and creativities.