True Insight Comes From Within

Monday, September 5

Sense of Belonging

I still remember some people once said that I dun have a sense of belonging to my country because I din express that patriotism in that particular situation. And now people say that I dun have a sense of belonging to my school. They are correct to a certain extent. I dun have such sense of belonging to my home, my school, my city and even the nation. I consider the home as just a comfortable bed. I wear the T shirt of other schools much more often than that of my own school. I cant speak the dialect of my hometown and dun want to learn actually. I even dunno which city my juniors and seniors come from as in my eyes there is no difference. I even could not pay attention when everyone was singing the national anthem at Tiananmen, busy counting the cars around. But does that mean I do not love them? Not necessary. Different people express their sense of belonging in different ways.
Some people sing the National Anthem clear and loud. Some only recite it in their hearts. Nobody can blame any party. Finally it is what they do that defines them. It is not what they sing nor what they think. When the real crisis comes, who will come out, who will be able to do some real work. We dunno. I still remember the first time I heard the Singaporean students singing their national anthem. The pitch is so low. I was suddenly touched, because the voice seemed come from their deep heart. (But later I found out that it is because they were all too slack. A bit disappointing.) In my mind, it is the true beauty of determination. Nobody can hear it. But everyone shall feel it when time comes.


At September 05, 2005 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"When the real crisis comes, who will come out, who will be able to do some real work. We dunno." yar lor, i agree with u. but what is the chance for the so-called crisis to come? what if the crisis never come? how do u differ a patriot from a non-patriot? We will instintively use the gauges like whether he puts effort into singing national songs. (some may say if u dun even pay attention to singing national songs, how can u be committed to the country?) such gauges are not comprehensive, but are commonly and widely acknowledged.

At September 05, 2005 11:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. the first comment is from me, luxin

At September 05, 2005 11:25 PM, Blogger doktom said...

if crisis dun come, we dun need pariotism.

At September 06, 2005 1:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At September 06, 2005 6:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if crisis dun come, we dun need pariotism.

????not agree with this comment ... u can just say if crisisdun come , we cannot show pariotism !

At September 08, 2005 10:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello yi feng..

At September 16, 2005 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are three groups of people. A: those who are patriotic (i.e.willing to contribute in times of crisis), and readily express this patriotism explicitly,
B: those who are patriotic, but do not have explicit behaviour when there is no cricis,
C: those who are not patriotic, they will sing national athem or celebrate national day with enthusiasm, but in time of crisis they cannot be trusted,
D: those who are not patriotic, their behaviour is consistent with their mindset.
Laggy belongs to group B.

At September 19, 2005 12:01 AM, Blogger doktom said...

who knows.
its what u do that defines urself.
I hope that I can always rmb it.

At September 19, 2005 12:03 AM, Blogger doktom said...

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