time machine
I always have some strange thoughts. I dream that some day, maybe 30 years later, I can make a time machine and send me back to the world now. (So I must be 48 by that time) Of course the me who am 48 years old will try to find the me who am 18 years old. Then what I (48) will say to myself (18). I wonder. Maybe I (48) will find out that I (18) am just mugging for the coming tests, is playing violin with the unbearable sound, is desperately doing some research that I have no idea with, or playing some computer games that has no further significance other than playing itself. Then what I (48) will say to myself (18). I wonder. Maybe I (48) shall see that all the things I (18) am doing now is utterly unimportant. I (18) am just wasting my time, maybe I (18) can doing something that is more meaningful for my future. But shall I (48) tell all these things to myself (18)? Maybe not. I shall just smile and go away. Do not disturb him. He is enjoying his life.
就像文化没有先进和落后之分一样,生活也没有贵贱之分~~ 很希望你的最后一句:He is enjoying his life. so am I
correction to my last comment:“很希望”改成“很喜欢”
everything we do now may not be meaningful or significant, but it is part of our life , it will be our past , this is where its importance lies ...
strange thoughts is for laughter only.
this strange thought is formed by two thougts only.
one is that the pursuit of happiness is the underlying principle of life.
the other is that do not change the past in any circumstance. we never know the consequence. butterfly effect as Lu said.
(personal opinion)
yar lor~~ butterfly effect
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