True Insight Comes From Within

Friday, September 23

Sometimes when you really want to get something, you cannot get it.
Some people say that you study for so long is just for a particular moment. But did you really learn something from the experience? If you have, maybe that is the true thing you have got. Even you cannot do well in that moment, you get something. You do not need to care when you can make use of all these things. You will be benefited one day. The important thing is that you learn something, not when you can make use of it.
Mum said I have changed in this year. I can no longer sit down and concentrate on something. I am devoted to too many things and lost my concentration.
I agree. But my point is that I become very pragmatic. I do things that I can be benefited, but what I am interested. Pragmatism is a negative word here. It will bring bad things. I still remember when I wondered which school I should choose last year, a teacher told me that I should do things I am interested in, not those that seemed can bring me short term benefits. If I am too focusing on what I can get from what I do, I will feel cheated if I cannot get it. I really focus too much on what I get. “High achievers”, people call these people, but not “learners”.
Reflect on the whole year, I really got a lot things, and lose a lot things, but what I have learnt? That is important.


At September 25, 2005 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strike a balance between what u need to do and what u want to do ! what u have learnt come what u have done , not based on why u did it .

At September 26, 2005 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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