True Insight Comes From Within

Sunday, July 31

Source of happiness

A long time ago, one of my friends told me that he always feel unhappy. I did not understand him. I thought it was a special case. So I went around and asked other friends, I got the same answers. I was surprised, shocked. I thought that we had everything, supporting parents, schoolmates, friends. We spend money like it comes from nowhere. We were never short of anything and even relatively good in academic results as compared with most of our peers. Why we are still unhappy?
As time passed by I start to see the reasons. Not everyone can hold the source of happiness. I saw friends worrying, cursing for trivial, spending large amount of time investigating others’ opinions but never thought of changing ourselves. A funny paradox.
I could not understand them until the day I did the same thing. Over conscious about others’ opinions. Worry for trivial. Sometimes I just stone there, without thinking anything. Then I realized that I have lost the source of happiness.
People say that you will cherish the thing only when you lost it.

Tuesday, July 19

my comment

To Xiaoxiao: I really hope that I can carry on, but it costs a lot of money and time. So see lah. Buy a violin first. Do not admire anyone if they have not done anything yet. Words only cannot be trusted.

Some clarification: I am far from an idealist. And I absolutely do not think playing violin is more important than study at this age. Some people may have the misinterpretation that because I have good results, I think that results are not important. Results ARE important. But they are not all.
I understand that the message is not logically proven. Actually the title “proposition….” brings a sense of mocking. I did not intend to prove the idea. Anyway, true insight comes from within. However, my point is very clear. When everyone in the world thinks that the study is a overwhelmingly important thing, I need to provide a balanced view. To learn an instrument proves you as something more than those who can only study. And this quality should be much appreciated, especially among us, a group of academically inclined “elites” (sarcastic, do not misinterpret it again). Maybe that is one of the reasons for me to study violin.

And to Mendolssohn Vionlinkonzert e-Moll, playing violin is a talent. Appreciate it. It makes you so unique, outstanding. God bless (and to another one who can play so well).

Saturday, July 16

People are often unreasonable, illogical, andself-centred; Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway. I

f you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and GOD. It was never between you and them anyway.

Mother Theresa

Proposition: violin is much more important

I heard someone saying that “I can only play violin. After all, what else can I do?” I feel shocked. The talent to play violin is really a lot already.
When they say all these things they refer to the fact that they cannot give satisfactory academic results. But after all what is the use of these results in the future? They are useless outside school. If one day you lost your job, a violinist may still find a vacancy in a pub or restaurant, or even in an orchestra. But what is the use of the results? Even you want to teach, you have to acquire certain techniques besides your understanding of the problems.
After all, few can play violin, but all can do math questions. So it is reasonable to be proud of yourself when you can play the violin well, but you earn much less respect when you solve a math problem.
So violinists, you should be proud of yourself.

Friday, July 8


Just after my F math block test, I was so disappointed that I did not do well. Left 13 marks blank. What the … It was a long time since I met such a challenging paper.
But when I talked about this with mum, her reaction was, what are you thinking about?
Absolutely, what I am thinking about? Get 4As??? It is quite meaningless. Block test is used to tell you where you are, but not to show off anything. If I am only thinking about getting As, how can I put my best. After all, learning the stuff is much more important. If I was only looking at the results, but forget the intermediate steps, it will be a blunder. Mum said the only thing I get now is time, and hence I can afford to fail. If I dare not fall, I will never learn how to get up. If I really get a C, or even a fail, maybe the block test will be a more enriching experience.
Just use your time to do something meaningful. The results are far too unpredicted.

Saturday, July 2

